Mango puree, also known as mango pulp, is a smooth and thick substance made by breaking up the insoluble fibrous sections of ripe mangoes. The mango puree naturally retains all of the nutrients, sweetness and flavour in the fresh fruit. Mango pulp is manufactured from completely ripened mangoes that have been carefully sorted. The Mango processing industry in India is well equipped with advanced manufacturing facilities and state of art machinery to serve and handle the demand of export markets. The fruit juice sector is the major user of mango puree.

Mango processing Industry in India – Production capacities

There are two main clusters of mango pulp processing industries in India, with roughly 65 processing units surrounded by the orchards of Alphonso and totapuri mangoes. Chittoor in Andhra Pradesh and Krishnagiri in Tamilnadu are the locations of these clusters. Some of the mango puree processing facilities are located in the state of Gujarat and Maharashtra. 

India is the largest exporter of mango pulp. During the year 2019-2020, the country exported 85,725.55 metric tons of mango pulp to the world, valued at 584 crores/81.88 million USD. Though mango is cultivated across all the regions in India, the mango pulp processing industries are established only in the southern and western parts of India. These regions account for a major proportion of exports from India. The mango pulp industries located in the Krishnagiri district of Tamilnadu are the largest producer of mango puree. It generates about 500 crores of foreign exchange annually. 

India produces 3,50,000 tons of mango puree each year, accounting for half of the global mango pulp production of 7,00,000 tonnes. It exports 2,00,000 tonnes of mango every year and 1,50,000 tonnes is consumed domestically. 

Mango pulp processing method

The matured mangoes are brought to the factory and it is transferred to the ripening chambers. The mangoes are ripened by natural processes or ethylene gas. The damaged fruits are sorted out in the conveyor belt. The preparation process includes cutting, destoning, Pulping and refining, Preheating, decanting, evaporating, filling, packaging and labelling.

The mango pulp manufacturing process begins with washing the fruits with chlorinated water at 20-50 ppm followed by washing with plain water. The tip of the mangoes is cut manually. The fruits are then sent to the destoner to remove stone and peels. The pulp is collected in the pulp collection tank. The product is preheated at 65-70 deg C and passed through a centrifugal decanter or separator to remove speck particles. For concentrate products, the product is passed through the evaporator to remove the water content. The product is then passed through a metal detector to remove impurities. Eventually, the puree is filled in aseptic bags and packed in MS drums with a poly liner inside. The product is stored in temperature controlled warehouses. 

Mango processing flow chart

Here is the process flowchart for the extraction of mango pulp.  The mango puree is further processed into jams, squashes, and other processed mango products. The processed puree can be preserved by additives or by freezing it. 

Mango Pulp Processing Flow chart

Mango Processing flow chart

Mango Processing flow chart

Global mango availability 

In India, more than 1000 varieties of mango are cultivated. India is the world’s largest producer, producing around 20 million tonnes of mango annually and processes 7% of it. 

China produces nearly 5 million tonnes of mango every year, but the presence is not so aggressive in the fruit juice market. They are consumed domestically. On the other hand, the world’s third-largest producer Thailand produces a small amount of mango puree and concentrates but what it produces is consumed domestically. Some African countries cultivate and process mangoes. The processing facilities are relatively small and inconveniently located. 

Mango puree made from South American mangoes is popular in the US. Colombia’s premium product is Magdalena, but it also grows Tommy and Kent. In recent years, the country has planted more mango land, and the trees are already bearing fruit. Magdalena puree is reasonably priced and duty-free in Europe. 

Brazil produces 2 million tonnes of mango every year, keeping protected and processed popular varieties such as Haden, Kent, and Palmer. The European and American buyers are paying close attention to the Brazil variety of purees. The same applies to Mexico, which produces approximately 2.0 million tonnes each year.  

Mango Production in the world

Processing varieties of Mango In India 

Alphonso, Totapuri, Kesar are the most popular varieties of mango processed in India. Sindura, Raspuri and Neelam are processed in small quantities. Southern and western varieties are used for processing. Northern varieties are mostly used for table purposes Totapuri and Alphonso mangoes are the main processed varieties contributing to 90% processing. Totapuri contributes to about 76% of processing and Alphonso to 14%. The remaining market share is taken by Kesar, Sindhura, and Neelam variety mangoes. 

These varieties fetch good demand in both the domestic and international markets. The peak season in India for mango starts from April – July. The processing of mango happens in full swing in the month of May-July. 

Alphonso mango pulp 

The Alphonso mangoes grown in the Konkan region are known for their sweetness, taste and flavour.  This is the most commercial variety of mango and preferred by mango pulp processors. This puree has a great demand in both domestic and international markets.

  • Brix: 16 Deg
  • Packing: Aseptic Alphonso mango pulp is packed aseptically in pre-sterilized aseptic bags placed with poly-liner in food-grade epoxy painted (inside) open-top MS drum. 
  • Product Net weight: 215kgs / Drum.
  • Gross weight: 18MT (80 drums in 20 FCL)
  • Shelf life: 24 months from the date of manufacturing

Totapuri Mango pulp

Totapuri mangoes are cultivated in Tamilnadu and Andhra Pradesh. This is one of the important commercial varieties of mango after Alphonso, due to its higher pulp content. Totapuri mango puree and Concentrate is mostly preferred by mango-based beverage manufacturers.

  • Brix: 14 Deg
  • Packing: Aseptic Totapuri mango pulp is packed aseptically in pre-sterilized aseptic bags placed with poly-liner in food-grade epoxy painted (inside) open-top MS drum. 
  • Product Net weight: 215kgs / Drum.
  • Gross weight: 18MT (80 drums in 20 FCL)
  • Shelf life: 24 months from the date of manufacturing

Domestic and export market of mango processed products

The global mango processed products were valued at USD 16.55 billion in 2018 and are expected to grow at a CAGR of 8.7% to reach $2110 million by 2026. The increase in the consumption of mango processed products combined with the preference for natural mango puree is anticipated to drive the growth. One of the elements driving growth is an increase in demand from developed continents such as the Middle East, Europe and America. 

The middle east region dominates the mango processed products market in terms of import and consumption followed by Europe which accounts for more than 20% of the total global imports. Mango puree is most commonly used in beverage industries, but it also has applications in the ice cream and baby food industry. 

Usage of mango processed products

The primary processed products of the mangoes are mango puree, mango pulp, and mango concentrate. These primary products create scope for secondary processed mango products segment that holds a market share of over 60%. Major secondary processed markets include juices, beverages, fruit bars, jellies, candies, jams and fruit-based cosmetics that contain fruit extracts. In addition to ready to drink beverages, mango processed products are used in squashes or powder mixes for preparing refreshment drinks. 

With the increasing consumption of mango processed products in the confectionery and dairy industry, the usage of puree in puddings, bakery fillings, ice-cream mixes, and fruit meals for children is expected to fuel the demand for puree products. The commercial usage of the pulps to make beverages is expected to boost the market growth. Mango concentrates are also used in the beverage industries to impart the mangoes unique sweetness and flavour of the final product. 

Future trends in the mango pulp processing industry

Consumers in developing and developed nations are increasingly drawn to ready to eat food and ready to drink beverages due to increased urbanization and rising disposable income. Processed food manufacturers and mango pulp processing industries are shifting their focus to ready to eat food products to meet the growing demand. The majority of beverage manufacturers use mango puree instead of adding flavouring additives. The fruit puree retains the flavour of the fruits, which aids in the preservation of product quality and taste. Consumer’s changing eating habits and lifestyles contribute significantly to the expansion of ready-eat items. With the rising use of mango puree instead of fruits in food products, the market for mango processed products is predicted to rise. 

Key opportunities for the Mango pulp processing industries

The organic food industry is expected to increase significantly in terms of sales volume and consumption due to the rising number of consumers seeking natural products. To maintain a solid position in the global market, top mango pulp processing industries are expected to target the organic segment. Existing mango pulp processing industries are investing in R&D as well as product development to create new products that meet customer demands. The increasing use of mango pulp in the retail household is likely to generate numerous opportunities for the mango pulp processing industry.

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